Grant license of importing and/or exporting biodiesel B100.
Targeted categories
Service recipients concerned with constructing facilities for producing the biodiesel material.
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
- Security Approval issued by Ministry of Interior.
- Procuring the license of operating facility of storing the biodiesel material, if he is the person concerned with the storing processes.
- Document shows the provision of the storing capacities by person licensed to store the biodiesel material.
Required documents
- Professions license issued by Ministry of Municipal Affairs and/or Greater Amman Municipality and/or any other authority in coordination with Defense General Directorate of Civil Defense .
- Valid insurance policy for covering any damage may occur as result of practicing this activity.
- Approvals of Ministry of Transport and/or the required licenses for those desiring to work in field of transporting and distributing the biodiesel against the fee of public transport.
- Official letter addressed to the Ministry.
Procedures of rendering the service
- Referring the official letter to Directorate of Renewable Energy and Energy Rationalization/division of environment and energy.
- Providing the applicant with copy of the instructions of regulating the activities of the biodiesel fuel.
- The technical committee (formed from Ministry of Energy and herein-under mentioned partners) shall study the request presented to the ministry in relation to importing the Biodiesel Material B100 and shall study all attached documents. It shall present recommendation to the Minister on accepting or rejecting the license application according to the information and attached documents.
- Informing the applicant of the approving or rejecting his application.
Partners in rendering the service
- Ministry of Environment
- Ministry of Water and Irrigation
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Greater Amman Municipality (if the facility's site is located inside border of Greater Amman Municipality).
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs (if the facility's site is located outside border of Greater Amman Municipality)
- Standards and Metrology Organization
- Defense General Directorate of Civil Defense
- Directorate of Drivers and Vehicles Licensing
Service fees
Time taken for executing the service
Time period not more than four weeks.