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Services Guide

Approve owning project land


Targeted  categories

  • National Electric Power Company.
  • Electricity Distribution Company.


Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.





Required documents

  • Letter addressed by the Ministry to the companies showing the rejection of the plot owner to sell the same to the company and it shall be indicated that the company has  negotiated with the citizens.
  • Land plan for the plot wanted to be seized.


Procedures of rendering the service

  1. The letter shall be referred to Directorate of Electricity and Rural Electrification/Division of Technical Affairs to study the documents. The application of the company, which is supported by the required documents, shall be studied to show whether choosing these plots is necessary for purposes of the company.
  2. Presenting recommendation to Department of Lands and Survey on approval on seizing these plots at expense of the company according to Law of Seizure and the applicable laws pursuant to provisions of the General Electricity Law.
  3. The company shall be informed of reply of Department of Lands and Survey when receiving the same.


Partners in rendering the service

Department of Lands and Survey


Service fees



Time taken for executing the service

Three business days.


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